

Rezeption was presented during the "10. Lange Nacht der elektronischen Klänge" from August 29-31 2002 in the foyer of the Akademie der Künste in Berlin, Hanseatenweg. The "Lange Nacht" was organized by Gisela Schneider, Lothar Voigtländer and the Studio für elektroakustische Musik of the Akademie der Künste.


program notes

Rezept, Anweisung zur Herstellung eines Medikaments, auch "Allheilmittel", "Lösungsvorschlag"

Rezeptor, Reizaufnehmendes Organ, reizaufnehmende Nervenfaser

Rezipient, Empfänger von Informationen

Rezeption, Empfangsbüro

realization notes

Pots, saucepans, kettles and metal bowls and jugs are mounted on the ceiling over the heads of the visitors. 16 loudspeakers are located within the pots which act as resonators for the sounds. The 8 channel sound textures - made out of various kitchen noises and the sound of a TV cooking show - are splitted into 4 stereo CD tracks which are played simultaneously in an endless loop.